The Weather Shield


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Superior Commercial Roofing Solutions for California

Our roofing solutions are more affordable than many alternatives, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses. The superior quality of our materials ensures no leaks, providing you with peace of mind during those heavy rainstorms. We're proud of our excellent customer service, always ready to assist and ensure a smooth installation process

The long-term benefits of our roofing systems are significant, with durability that means you won't have to worry about your roof for a long time. One of the standout features is that removing your old roof is unnecessary, making our systems faster and easier to install. Choose our roofing solutions for a worry-free, high-quality, and long-lasting roofing experience.*1655746854295*Ogma%2520Icon%25207*svg?alt=media&token=0d3be999-50b0-4d10-b70f-e006b888c8df

Lightweight, High-Performance, Sustainable Cool-Roof Systems

- RainArmor Roofing Systems are designed to be lightweight, providing superior performance without compromising on durability.

- Our high-performance systems offer exceptional protection, ensuring your property remains safe from the elements.

- We are committed to sustainability, offering Cool-Roof systems that contribute to energy efficiency and reduce the urban heat island effect.*1655746854292*Ogma%2520Icon%25206*svg?alt=media&token=d4583832-c6e3-4683-b49b-c70177e7476a

A Proven Legacy of Excellence

- RainArmor Roofing Systems have a long history of success. Originally developed in the early 1940s, these systems were extensively used on military installations.

- Their longer life cycles, greater installation safety, cost-effectiveness, renewability, and ease of maintenance quickly gained acclaim in the building and real estate industries.

- By the 1960s, RainArmor systems had become the roofing system of choice for most public school districts in the southwest, and they remain widely used in schools and military bases today.

- One of the top choices for commercial building owners and property managers seeking reliable roofing solutions.*1655746984457*Ogma%2520Icon%25208*svg?alt=media&token=c27b8f12-d4a4-4a85-86c5-110a1c20beb9

Hybrid Design for Superior Results

- RainArmor Systems combine the best features of single-ply and built-up roofing systems to create a superior, long-lasting, and sustainable roofing solution.

- Our systems are carefully engineered to provide the lightest weight, most durable, and longest-lasting commercial roofing systems available.*1655746854297*Ogma%2520Icon%25209*svg?alt=media&token=a050ea50-361d-47d7-9d93-649422db5992

Three Essential Components: Waterproofing, Reinforcement, and Reflectivity

- Waterproofing: Our systems utilize waterproofing grade asphalt that preserves the essential properties of asphalt, including flexibility, adhesion, and superior waterproofing.

- Reinforcement: RainArmor Systems employ lightweight, high-performance stitch-bonded polyester reinforcement, which is 300% stronger and 100% more elastic than fiberglass reinforcements typically used in other roofing systems.

- Reflectivity: We ensure long-lasting reflectivity with a two-phase acrylic elastomeric surfacing. The first phase blocks harmful UV radiation, while the second phase reflects the sun's heat, keeping your roofing system and building cool.*1655656998681*Zibax%2520Tel%2520Icon*svg?alt=media&token=b83fe028-2b11-4f48-a018-2217ee7675a4

Contact Our Consultant Right Now

Unmatched Durability and Sustainability*1655668621050*Ogma%2520Arr*svg?alt=media&token=a6b4c6e9-b4e7-4784-988e-886c25791c93*rain-armor-weather-Shield*jpg?alt=media&token=3d11f406-88e5-42ce-b9b0-74298fb376e7
The Weather Shield

- RainArmor Roofing Systems are almost completely UV inert, providing long-lasting protection against the sun's damaging UV rays.

- Our systems are designed to withstand daily thermo-cycling and prevent extreme heating, ensuring the longevity of the waterproofing grade asphalt and preserving the flexibility and adhesion of the system.

- With proper maintenance, a RainArmor Roofing System can sustain well beyond the useful life of the building.*rainarmor-cool-roof*png?alt=media&token=aab48ecf-d1d2-4b21-9522-bfe3efaa6c14

The RainArmor system provides a high-performance, energy-efficient, seamless single-ply roofing solution with long warranty coverage and benefits like lower energy costs. The system can be customized to fit each building's budget and needs. Please get in touch with us to learn more!


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The RainArmor roofing system is a seamless, single-ply roofing solution.
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